Search Results
Clip 5: The authority of "tragic humanism" (Templeton Foundation)
Clip 5: Is God visible in nature? (Templeton Foundation)
Clip 3: Faith, love, and reason (Templeton Foundation)
Clip 1: Atheism as Islamophobia (Templeton Foundation)
Clip 2: The radicalism of the New Testament (Templeton Foundation)
Clip 4: "Ditchkins" and the Yeti theory of God (Templeton Foundation)
Clip 3: The forgiveness instinct (Templeton Foundation)
Clip 4: Forgiveness and social development (Templeton Foundation)
Interview with Terry Eagleton Part 5
Terry Eagleton - Tragic Humanism
Interview with Terry Eagleton Part 1
Richard Dawkins - Honest & Helpful Answer